Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm Back!!!

Yup, It's been way too long. I could sit here and write down lots of excuses why I have not blogged in a very long time, but why bother! I'm back baby! I really hope to get my creative juices flowing again.

I'm trying to be healthy and lose weight once again, yup, been too long since I've done that as well.... So, I am going to cook healthy recipes taken from some of my favorite websites, blogs and health magazines and share them with you.

Last night I made Pork Chops with Apples and Thyme. It was absolutely delicious! I forgot to take a picture so I took this one from the recipe.

My last project that was this blanket for my friends baby girl Clara.

Hope to be back soon with other recipes and things I've created!


  1. Funny enough, I put the pork chops in the fridge to thaw before I left for work today and we have a bunch of apples...guess what we're having for dinner tonight?!
    And that blanket is so lovely!

  2. Imagine my suprize when I saw a new post from you!!! ...............c.
    p.s. it says that I don't have access to this page with my account, so I had to go all anonymous on you.
